CBSN Career Chats: 2nd Wednesday of Every Month

Please contact the CBSN Project Administrator if you are a member looking for the registration link! CBSN Career Chats (or C3) is a monthly, drop-in discussion series providing an opportunity for people exploring different career options to chat with experienced professionals for career insight, advice, and answers to their questions. Second Wednesday of each month September 2023 to April 2024 ... Read More

CBSN Career Chats: Planning a Pathway to Leadership

CBSN Members are invited to join this first Career Chat of 2024 Wednesday January 10, 4pm ET Topic: Planning a Pathway to Leadership with Professor Maydianne Andrade, PhD, FRCGS Many people in STEMM describe how they ‘ended up’ in leadership roles despite not having any training to prepare them to be a good leader. However, deconstructing the career paths of ... Read More