Message From The President


Please join the Network in welcoming its new President, Professor Larry Goodridge.  In the coming weeks, President Goodridge will share a message to members, allies, friends and community members in this space.

The Canadian Black Scientists Network is now entering its second year with a constitution, which specifies 3 roles at the Presidential rank at steady state. The President oversees all network activities and strategic directions and Chairs the Executive Committee and the Steering Committee. The President-Elect (currently vacant) onboards to network leadership, oversees the mentorship program and membership directory, and leads the network-wide meeting. The Past-President, a role now held by Professor Maydianne Andrade oversees relationships and partnerships, grants and fundraising. This arc provides institutional memory and effective onboarding while creating the capacity needed for volunteer leadership of a network that includes over 800 members as of August 2024.


Read our Constitution

Mission & Vision

The Canadian Black Scientists Network exists to Elevate, Make Visible, Celebrate and Connect Black Canadians pursuing or possessing advanced degrees in STEMM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics & Medicine/Health) across sectors.

  1.     Increase intake and retention of Black Youth in STEMM
  2.     Increase representation of Black Canadians as STEMM researchers & practitioners
  3.     Advocate for equitable practices in funding & awards

Promouvoir la visibilité, les intérêts professionnels et académiques, célébrer le succès, connecter et rassembler les Canadiens noirs impliqués dans les domaines des sciences et de la technologie, dans l’ingénierie, en mathématiques et en médecine (STIMM) dans tous secteurs confondus.

  1.     Augmenter l’admissibilité et la rétention des jeunes noirs en STIMM
  2.     Accroître la représentation des Canadiens noirs impliqués en STIMM tous secteurs confondus
  3.     Identifier et plaider pour le traitement équitable en matière d’attribution des fonds de recherche et de la remise des prix d’excellence

In the CBSN/RSCN logo, the central black figure represents both an atom and a stylized Black scientist embracing the network, while the shades of the maple leaf represent the diverse Black Canadians and intersectional identities among our members.

Steering Committee

Prof. Tamara Franz-Odendaal

Position: Lead Ally, Co-founder

Research Topic: Research Topic: Evolutionary-developmental biology of the vertebrate skeleton, environmental impacts on fish development.

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Prof. Maydianne Andrade

Position: President, Co-Founder

Research Topic: Evolutionary and Behavioural Ecology of mating, plasticity, diversification, arachnology

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Dr. Toyib (Olan) Olaniyan

Position: Member-at-Large, Statistics Canada Liasion

Research Topic: Environmental Epidemiology

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Jeffrey Hyacinthe

Position: Trainee Lead

Research Topic: Relationship between transposable elements and the epigenome.

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Prof. Loydie Jerome-Majewska

Position: Secretary, Co-founder

Research Topic: Developmental Biology/Congenital malformations mouse model

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Prof. Kiven Erique Lukong

Position: Vice-President

Research Topic: Tumour biology (with a focus on breast cancer and gastric cancer) and the signal transduction roles of tyrosine kinases, especially non-receptor tyrosine kinases in the breast tumour kinase (BRK) family.

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Prof. Kevin Hewitt

Position: Partnership Lead, Co-founder

Research Topic: Physics, Bionanophotonics

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Juliet Daniel

Position: Treasurer, Co-founder

Research Topic: Cancer Biology, Cancer Health Disparities, TNBC

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Ingrid Um Nlend MSc.

Position: Communications Officer

Research Topic: Direction of Research and Innovation

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Dr. Alero Jennifer Gure

Position: Membership Lead

Research Topic: Geochemistry

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