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Symposium for Black Excellence in STEMM Mentorship (BE-STEMM Mentorship) – in person

March 20 @ 5:00 pm - March 21 @ 1:30 pm


With funding from the Nancy’s Chair in Women’s studies at Mount Saint Vincent University, and in partnership with the Canadian Black Scientists Network, the BE-STEMM Mentorship Symposium will feature free events for pre-service and  in-service teachers, professors, other professionals and community members interesting in developing inclusive practices to support and ensure the flourishing of Black students in STEMM.  Everyone whose work aligns with this goal is welcome to attend this FREE in-person symposium.

  • Mount Saint Vincent University, Halifax, NS
  • Thursday March 20 (5:30pm – 9pm) – keynote & dinner
  • Friday March 21 (9:30am – 1:30pm) – breakfast, keynote, workshop & lunch

Registration is required:

QR Code for registration to BE-STEMM mentorship Symposium      Register now button, white text on a red background


Thursday March 20th (5:30pm – 9pm)

5:30pm – 6:30pm. KEYNOTE. Representations of Mathematical Merit in Schools, Communities, and Culture. Professor Erica N. Walker, Dean, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education.

Dr. Erica Walker is an award-winning researcher, educator and professor, and the Dean of the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE) at the University of Toronto. A former public high school mathematics teacher from Atlanta, Georgia, with a PhD in mathematics education from Harvard, Dr. Walker’s extensive publication list includes two books: Building Mathematics Learning Communities: Improving Outcomes in Urban High Schools and Beyond Banneker: Black Mathematicians and the Paths to Excellence. Her current research explores the role of storytelling in math education.

6:45pm – 7:00pm. Response: Implementing Programs for Black Flourishing in STEMM. Respondents from Mount Saint Vincent University share their experiences and thoughts about the ongoing work to ensure the success of Black students in STEMM, including Africentric programming.
Professor Eddia Solas, Director of Teacher Education.
Mr. Randy Headley, Black Student Advisor
Moderator: Professor Tamara Franz-Odendaal, Lead Ally and Co-founder, Canadian Black Scientists Network.

7:00 – 9:00pm. Dinner & Networking

Friday March 21. (9:30am – 1:30pm)

9:30am – 10:30 am. Breakfast & Networking

10:30am – 11:10am. KEYNOTE: Opening the Eyes of Science Students to the Impacts of Bias in STEMM.  Professor Maydianne Andrade, University of Toronto Scarborough. Dr. Maydianne Andrade is an award-winning researcher in ecology and evolution and an equity activist from the University of Toronto Scarborough. Dr. Andrade has taught and mentored thousands of university students at all levels, from introductory level Biology to capstone courses. She is Co-founder and Past-President of the Canadian Black Scientists Network. In this talk, she discusses a course in biological sciences that dispels the flawed science and misinformation that is used to justify discriminatory ideologies, and advocates for integrating this knowledge as a core part of science curricula.

11:20am – 12:20pm. Workshop. Beyond ‘Heroes & Holidays’: Building Equity into STEMM Curriculum
Share your thoughts with colleagues regarding the current state of representation in STEMM curricula and teaching.
What approaches might better serve Black students and other students from marginalized groups? How can you implement these approaches in your teaching practice?

12:20pm – 1:30pm. Lunch & Closing Remarks

Register now button, white text on a red background



March 20 @ 5:00 pm
March 21 @ 1:30 pm


Mount St. Vincent University
McCain Building, 166 Bedford Hwy
Halifax, NS B0N 2T0 Canada
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