
Who are we?

The Canadian Black Scientists Network (CBSN) exists to Elevate, make Visible, Celebrate and Connect Black Canadians in Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics & Medicine (STEMM) across sectors.

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BE-STEMM Conference Public Plenaries

Day 1 Jan 30th:
Dr. Love-Ese Chile: Bold Strides Forward: A scientist’s perspective on sustainable futures.  [Français]

Day 2 Jan 31st:
Dr. Denice Lewis & Dr. Watson-Creed: Black Health equity & Curriculum.

Day 3 Feb 1st:
CBSN: Science & Effecting Change

Final Day Feb 2nd:
Closing remarks, Awards and Celebrations. With Remarks from Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau


February 2nd
Final Day: Leadership Summit: Inclusion and Belonging


BE-STEMM Conference Awards and Closing Remarks

Closing remarks, awards and Celebrations. With Remarks from  Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau

Visit Conference

The Event has Ended

The Canadian Black Scientists Network is pleased to host you for a rich, four day virtual program featuring outstanding research, career & recruitment opportunities, and facilitated connections across sectors. Throughout our program, we will engage Canadians from across the country to focus on action to remove barriers to attracting and retaining Black Canadians in Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, Medicine & Health (STEMM).

The conference has ended and was a major success! Please Join us in our mission and offer your support however you can! The conference site is still available where you can learn more about our speakers and contact our sponsors through the career fair. 


Video en Français

Le Réseau Canadien des Scientifiques Noirs est fier de vous accueillir avec un programme virtuel étoffé de quatre jours qui met en valeur des recherches exceptionnelles et des possibilités d’emploi et de recrutement et qui encourage la création de liens dans différents secteurs. Tout au long de l’événement, nous discuterons avec des Canadiens des quatre coins du pays pour réfléchir aux mesures nécessaires pour éliminer les obstacles à l’inclusion et à la rétention de Canadiens Noirs en sciences, technologie, génie, mathématiques, médecine et santé (STIMM).

La conférence est maintenant terminée et fut un grand succès. Veuillez-vous joindre à notre mission et offrez nous votre support! Le site de la conférence est toujours disponible. Vous pouvez en apprendre plus sur nos panelistes et connecter avec nos commanditaires à travers le salon de l’emploi.


Member Spotlight

Watch this space to get to know our members!

Prof. Kevin Hewitt

Dalhousie University

CBSN Steering committee Partnership Lead, Academic governance innovator, and NSERC Science Promotion Award winner for his work fostering interest in STEM among young people of African descent in Nova Scotia.

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Dr. Emily Choy

McGill University

Named a Fellow and Explorer in Residence for the Royal Canadian Geographical Society. As an NSERC and L’Oreal-UNESCO for Women in Science Research Excellence Post-doctoral Fellow at McGill University and Environment and Climate Change Canada, she is studying the direct and indirect effects of climate change on Arctic seabirds as sentinels of marine ecosystem health in northern Hudson Bay.

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Professor Jennifer D. Adams

University of Calgary

Canada Research Chair in Creativity and STEM and Black in STEM inclusion expert. Awarded a grant from the US-Mission to Canada to support a year of virtual engagements of leaders in K-12 pathway programs on both sides of the border. In partnership with the CBSN, this effort will focus on the sharing of promising practices and innovative programs.

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Want to get involved with the CBSN?

There are many ways to get involved and support the inclusion of Black Canadians in STEMM through CBSN activities.

Network members and Allies are involved in a wide range of events, podcasts, seminars, interviews, and panels on topics that include their work in STEMM, outreach and pathway programs, or equity and inclusion for Black Canadians. Explore below to find events that are open for registration, links to livestreams or recorded events, or to find other media related to the CBSN.


Career Center

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The CBSN Mentorship Program aims to connect you to a mentor/mentee who can relate to your experiences as a Black-identifying individual possessing or pursuing degrees in science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and medicine (STEMM), living in Canada or abroad.

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Get updated on opportunities and events in STEM and access to the CBSN community!